What the fuck happened?
Did I prelude the last post with “that was kind of an unneccessary and long silence”? Well, 8 months doesn’t sound any better. :-(
What exactly happened in the last months? To be quite honest: not much.
We had a new guy come in and try to attempt to fix the issues I were stuck on in the Unity version of our game, but it turned out we happened to hit a common roadblock for most 2D RTS games made in Unity.
What’s the most natural thing to do here?
New Game Engine: Godot (3.*)
That’s right. Throwing everything away and start anew. To my suprise the prototype didn’t take long, on the timeline we are currently around February. The prototype featured most of the issues we had on the Unity version already solved - so we “just” had to migrate the rest of the code over to Godot. Easy, right?
You don’t disregard the hand that feeds you…
Hell no. Due to personal issues I had to reduce the time I spend on my day job. That actually caused a chain-reaction, accompanied by people leaving the company, development shortage, crunch and more. Basically I stalled the project after the prototype for about 3-4 months. We are now around… May.
Patience is a virtue
As any project leader would get nervous when a project is stuck for months, Gabriel actually tried to reach out for new developers to support my workload, I offered to be removed from the project entirely, but they want to continue working with me, so, I must have done something right. Anyways, June rolls around and we got heavy rainfalls nearly daily here. Internet connection is barely stable, barely any way of communicating. Urgh.
The new kid on the block
As I screwed up times and times again, we had to pass on 2 devs that looked promising, and are now moving forward with a new guy helping us out - as soon as we see fit we will actually have him come up with a little intro in the next devlog, which, hopefully, won’t take another half of a year. (But don’t quote me on that…)
So, what’s going on now? It’s august now, the new guy is going through some changes and we are preparing everything for the onboarding. Papers are signed, Code has been checked and looked at, bodily contents has been ejected due to my code quality being very much on the “special side”. But having a 2nd pair of eyes hitting me in the balls every now and then is helping loads and keeps the motiviation up.
Closing statement
I hope you all survived the covid situation and are looking forward to some more news! We’ll try to keep you posted and let you know as soon as we have more stuff to show!
Until later cowboys,
- KuhnChris