
More fixes, more changes, more polish, we are trying to polish the experience for an impending alpha release

Development progress

25. May - 31. May

Since the build, we had various changes, mostly changes regarding very in-depth stuff like the UI, some build-releated issues with Unity, some issues regarding menu transistions etc. Also there has been a couple of updates towards the UI that I happened to have overlooked, like the main menu and the Tech Tree. Turns out that since Gabriel gave me a summary of the issues, some of them fall right back to the other team members, like tiling issues with background images, files being put in different folders and me not finding it (org-related issues), so the list basically gave all of us a bit of work to do - which is fine - we strive for improvements.

But let’s not beat around the bush, let’s see what we did last week:

  • The Technology Tree display now displays units
  • You can now choose different civilizations in the Technology Tree display
  • Added all the units and buildings related data to ensure all available units for the available civilizations and available eras are display in their respective column
  • Main Menu overhaul
  • Bottom In-Game UI got more functionality
  • Added an external logger for Unity Events (WebSocket-based server-receiver) - so we can check issues in final builds that are not displayed in the UnityLog.txt

We are now currently focusing on fixing the bugs and issues, and THEN continue with the missing mechanics, so we have a round experience and can always test on a full working build. So please bear with this for another week. We’re down to half the issues now (21 left, 19 in Testing, 7 Working) - so it’s progressing, but taking a bit of time.

Upcoming planned next steps

Status Date Topic Sub-Topic Description
Work   LandCrisis * fixing dev build bugs
Work 06/09/2020 LandCrisis Org Rolling development builds for QA
Work   LandCrisis Units “queue” mechanics
Work   LandCrisis Units “build” mechanics
Work   LandCrisis Units “attack” mechanics
Plan   LandCrisis Maps Import FoW implementation
Plan   LandCrisis Org Static playtest, initial build

Closing statement

Questions? Suggestions? Changes? Check out our Discord, the link is here.
Also, if you want to see more in-depth dev screenshots or have any questions feel free to ping me in #devlog on Discord!

Stay safe, stay strong, keep your distance and I’ll keep you guys updated soon!

- KuhnChris

Remember to press F to pay your respects.