Last week has been a non-devlog week - but this week we are back with what happened there!
Development progress
11.May - 17.May
After last week’s animation issues and animation controller shenanigens we finally managed to move forward. Gabriel asked me specifically to move towards more features that can be used in show-cases and screenshots, so we can onboard new potential players and provide some more information for marketing purposes. Makes sense.
- After attempting to work with shaders I noticed we got some Unity issues (again) - so we had to upgrade once again - 2019.3.13f1
- Added more terrain generation - specifically resource clusters and bunches
- Refactored the tasks system to check additional parameters (distance to resource-harvesting object, distance to enemy, etc.)
- Fixed importing various values from JSON files
- Finished the mechanics regarding collection, with additional resource-specific buildings
- Giving up on the shader thing and drawing outlines via a 2nd sprite that is always on-top.
18.May - 25.May
Gabriel is now helping out with intermediate quality ensurance to better control the flow of the project and get more insight in the process. So starting this week I provide builds whenever features are ready to be tested, additionally to weekly builds that will conclude the weeks’ work.
- The building blueprint system is broken, so this one needs fixing
- Re-implemented the building system (units and queues) after switching to the JSON system
- Added some helper functions to be able to properly fetch era-specific buildings, units and upgrades.
- Started implementing the revamped bottom bar
Upcoming planned next steps
Not much changed here:
Status | Date | Topic | Sub-Topic | Description |
Done | 5/21/2020 | LandCrisis | Units | “collect” mechanics |
Done | 5/23/2020 | LandCrisis | Maps | Terrain Generation (resources) extended |
Work | 5/25/2020 | LandCrisis | Units | “attack” mechanics |
Work | 5/25/2020 | LandCrisis | Units | “build” mechanics |
Work | (weekly) | LandCrisis | Org | Rolling development builds for QA |
Plan | LandCrisis | Units | “blueprint” mechanics | |
Plan | LandCrisis | Units | “queue” mechanics | |
Plam | LandCrisis | Units | “build” mechanics | |
Plan | LandCrisis | Maps | Import FoW implementation | |
Plan | LandCrisis | Org | Static playtest, initial build |
Closing statement
The usual - Questions? Suggestions? Changes? Check out our Discord, the link is here.
Stay safe, stay strong, keep your distance and I’ll keep you guys updated soon!
- KuhnChris
Remember to press F to pay your respects.